This is how we calculate your tax numbers
This is what you get from the tax calculator:
- Wealth - The net value of your cryptocurrency holdings at the end of the year.
- Profit - We have summed all of the profits from your cryptocurrency realisations last year.
- Loss - We have summed all of the losses from your cryptocurrency realisations last year.
- Income - Here we have summed all of your bonuses for last year.
- Expenses - Here we have summed all of your expenses, such as withdrawal fees. This box will only show up if you have had expenses.
- Profit - We have summed all of the profits from your cryptocurrency realisations last year, as well as your bonuses.
- Loss - We have summed all of the losses from your cryptocurrency realisations last year.
When calculating taxes, historical prices from Firi's market are used.
Any transaction fees incurred are added to the buying or selling total sum, meaning they are included in profit, loss and/or income.
Bonuses are considered income for taxation purposes. The value of a bonus is calculated based on the average price of the bonus cryptocurrency on the day you receive the bonus in your wallet. The average price is based on prices gathered from the largest international exchanges.
Firi uses the FIFO principle of realization (First In, First Out). For Danish customers, the "aktiv-for-aktiv" principle of realization is used if possible.